Great Britain stamps

P=have O=don’t have it

Flag of United Kingdom

See also:  Guernsey Stamps

Isle of man Stamps

Jersey Stamps

Great Britain-Morocco stamps

Great Britain-Tangiers stamps

Gugh Island stamps


Scott: #252P, #253P, #254O

#255P, #256P, #257P

Issued: 6.5.1940

Centenary of the Postage Stamp

#1 LJ Inside #252-7: G.B. Type A1 (B)

1940 Stamp Centenary

Thanks to Philip Visser

1950 souvenir Sheet

London International Stamp Exhibition 1950P

1Sh Nova Scotia 1852 violet stamp

Penny Black (corner letters GB)

New South Wales 1 p red 1850

Ceylon 4 p 1859

4 p Cape triangle of 1853

Reproduced by the collotype process and printed by Waterlow & Sons Limited


Scott: #604P

Issued: 1.10.1969

Transfer of Responsibility to the Post Office Corporation

Inside #604: Stamps on Envelopes


Scott: #642-4P

Issued: 18.9.1970

Philympia '70

#1 AA Inside #642: G.B. #1 [P-L]

Visit: The Penny Black Plate project

#5 Inside #643: G.B. #5O

#22 Inside #644: G.B. #22O

japan 1971

Unlisted by ScottO

Issued: ??.??.1971

British Postal Strike Label - Authorised by U.K. Post Office

#1 Inside Unlisted by Scott: Japan Type A1 (Pic of Japan #1O)

Thanks to Sergei Divid

EXHIBITION SHEET : 1976 Stampex sheet MNH | eBay

Issued: 24.02.1976P

UK Stampex 1976 200th Anniversary of the American Declaration of Independence

[Declaration of Independence - Grill About 9½ x 9mm, type AC] Inside: U.S. #120

Issued: 21.4.1977P

Northwest Showpex

Thanks to Gaston Barrette


Scott: #871-74P

Issued: 22.8.1979

London 1980

Inside #872-74: Stamp on Envelope


Scott: #874aPP

Aerogramme - 1979P

Special Album


Thanks to Sergei Divid

Thanks to Sergei Divid



Scott: #1035-9P

Issued: 16.11.1983


 Inside #1035: G.B. #1035P

 Inside #1035: G.B. #1037P



Postal History series £1.54 booklet

showing old & new Postage Due Stamps on cover, pane with cylinder numbers

(SG FQ1)


Scott: #1284P

Issued: 25.7.1989

Industrial Archaeology

Inside #1284: Pseudo Stamp in Margin


Scott: #1295-7P, #1298O, #1299P

#MH190/15pP, #MH193/20pP, #MH196/29pP, #MH197/34pO, #MH198/37pP

Issued: 10.1.1990

150th Anniversary, Penny Black

#1 AA  #mh115 Inside #1295-9: G.B. Type A1, A197P (B)

1990 GB - MS1501 - Stamp World 90 International Exhibition MNH - Click Image to Close

Scott: #1296a / #MH193fP (B)

Issued: 3.5.1990

Stamps World Exhibition LONDON 1990

#1 LJ Inside #1296a: G.B. #1 [S-W]

S-W stand for Stamps World

Visit: The Penny Black Plate project

“CINDERELLA“ as the plate letters are in Wrong Positions

#1296 Inside #1296a: G.B. #1296/ #MH193P


Inside #1296a (In Margin): Like G.B. Type A91 - Sea-Horses Britannia

(Pic of #173P)


Penny black anniversary

£2 window booklet cover (Mark 4) in uncut vert proof pair

with additional variety 'lamination omitted'

#1296 Inside #???: G.B. #1296/ #MH193P

Scott: #1432P

Issued: 28.1.1992

First Memories

#20 Inside #1432: G.B. #20O


Scott: #1435aO


Scott: #1625-8P

Issued: 5.9.1995

Communication pioneers

#1 TE Inside #1626: G.B. #1 [S-A]

Visit: The Penny Black Plate project


Scott: #1651P

Issued: 26.2.1996

Greeting Cartoons

Inside #1651: Stamp on Envelope


Scott: #1652aO

Scott: #1801-3O

Issued: 10.3.1998


Inside #1801-3: Queen Type of 1952 with Face Values in Decimal Currency (B)

Scott: #301P, #299P, 300P


Scott: #1803bO

[Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II, type AHG25]

Scott: #MH 198AbP$(KGrHqF,!lcE2EGJMl1mBNkQQWminQ~~_12.JPG

Scott: #6 x MH 198AbP (#BK 167)

Issued: 15.2.2000

"Special by Design" Prestige Booklet pane

%231%20LJ Inside #6 x MH 198Ab: G.B. #1

MH 115 ,design components: busts only, modified (changed colors)

2000 'Her Majesty's Stamps'

Scott: #1942O

Issued: 23.5.2000

Stamp Show 2000 - Her Majesty’s Stamps

 Inside #1942: G.B. type A136P

Scott: #2022-3O

Issued: 06.02.2002

1st green, 2nd red

Queen Elizabeth definitive stamp designed by M Farrar Bell from a photograph by Dorothy Wilding

Inside #2022-3: G.B. Queen Type A126-7P

2002 GB - MS2326 - 50th Anniversary of Wildings I - Click Image to Close

Scott: #2086O

Issued: 05.12.2002

The Wilding Definitives I (1952-3)


Inside #2086: G.B. Queen Type A127-A131P

On 5th December 1952 the world's first 2 stamps to bear an image of the Queen were issued.

The image featured was Dorothy Wilding's first official portrait of the new Queen Elizabeth.
Exactly 50 years later the Royal Mail has issued a miniature sheet reproducing 9 of the original 18 Wilding definitives in values comparable to their original postal rates.

 The 9 stamps feature the original 5 designs in new values.

2003 GB - MS2367 - 50th Anniversary of Wildings II - Click Image to Close

Scott: #2125O

Issued: 20.5.2003

The Wilding Definitive – part II


[Queen Elizabeth II, type DW5] 

Inside #2125: G.B. Queen Type A127-A131P

The set is the second of two miniature sheets issued for the Wildings Definitives.

 The first miniature sheet was issued on 5th December 2002 and marked the 50th anniversary of the very first stamps to bear the Queen's image.

The second miniature sheet features the remaining nine Wilding Definitives.

[The 250th Anniversary of the Royal Society of Arts, type BOG]

Scott: #2222P

Issued: 7.9.2004

250th Anniversary Royal Society of Arts

 %231%20LJ Inside #2222: G.B. #1


Scott: #2278O

Issued: 22.3.2005

50th Anniversary Wilding Castle


Inside #2278: G.B. #309-12P


Fifty years after they were first issued, Royal Mail is marking the anniversary of the first “Castles” High Value Definitive stamps.

The four stamps feature Carrickfergus, Caernarfon, Edinburgh and Windsor Castles as they did half a century ago - ‘framed’ next to a young Queen Elizabeth, but now brought together in a miniature sheet.

But although the values have been updated, designers Sedley Place ensured that the sheet complements the original stamp designs by Lynton Lamb.

The top row of the miniature sheet features (original values shown second):

The picturesque, 12th century castle of Carrickfergus (50p (2s6d)) alongside the 13th century fortress of Caernarfon (£1 (5s)).

Edinburgh Castle stands imperiously above Scotland’s capital city on the (£1 (10s)) stamp; while Windsor, the world’s largest occupied castle, completes the bottom row pairing on the (50p (£1)) stamp.

The four stamps were originally printed by Waterlow & Sons, and issued on 1 September (10s and £1) and 23 September (2s6d and 5s) 1955.


Scott: #????O

Issued: 14.11.2006

Belgica 2006

Inside #????: Pseudo Stamp

Scott: #MH323aP

Issued: 31.08.2006

World of Invention

1936, the Year of the Three Kings

 Inside #MH323a: G.B. #160P

sos gt britain 231  1936 Inside #MH323a: G.B. #231P

sos gt britain 236  1937 Inside #MH323a: G.B. #236P


Scott: #Bk181O

Issued: 1.3.2007

World of Invention

#33 c-d Inside #Bk181 (in margin): G.B. #33P(but not a C-D)

I identified the stamp reproduced in the margin of #Bk181 as G.B. #1 until Lou Guadagno wrote me that my ID of G.B. #1 as the stamps in the margins is incorrect.  He told me to recheck the scan so I'll see the stamps are perforated and have alternating check letters (D-C/C-D) in both the top and bottom corners, so it is a Penny Red, Sc #33, issued in 1864. The designer did not use a Penny Black for this pane which honors its' issue, and compounded the "error" by repeating the #33 as a pair which could not exist. 

Lou wrote that he lucked out and found a scan of a part sheet and was able to "cut out" a stamp with the same check letters. When he got this prestige booklet pane and identified the stamp, he contacted several G. B. dealers, and none of them had noticed the Penny Back wasn't reproduced. Gibbons in their latest specialized catalog mentions the pane as honoring the Penny Black but gives no ID of the margins as such. Gaston missed the ID too. 

As always - Lou is right….

2007 GB - MS2743 - 40th Anniv of the Machin Definitive MS MNH - Click Image to Close

Scott: #2471O

Issued: 5.6.2007

The Machin Definitives Fortieth Anniversary

#498 Inside #2471b: G.B. #MH 6 (#498)P

Scott: #2472O

Inside #2472: G.B. #MH 1-20P

A generic sheet consisting of 20 x 1st class Machin commemorative stamps is designed to look like a page from a collector's album. The stamps depicted on the labels are the complete range of pre-decimal definitives, ½d, 1d, 2d, 3d, 4d sepia, 4d red, 5d, 6d, 7d, 8d red, 8d blue, 9d, 10d, 1/-, 1/6, 1/9, 2/6, 5/-, 10/-, £1. The labels also show the issue date and official colour descriptions.

Note: The Arnold Machin stamp from the Smilers sheet is NOT embossed, which means that it is a different stamp to that in the miniature sheet and PSB.

2007 GB - DX39 - The Machin - Making of a Masterpiece (£7.66) - Click Image to Close

DP375 DP376





Scott: #2600P

Issued: 29.9.2008

50th Anniversary, Country Definitive

Inside #2600: 1952 Wilding Stamps:

[Queen Elizabeth II - Regional Definitives, type A]

[Queen Elizabeth II - Regional Definitives, type A]

[Queen Elizabeth II - Regional Definitive, type A]

Northern Ireland #1P

Wales and Monmouth shire #1P

Scotland #1P

[Queen Elizabeth II - Regional Definitives, type C]

[Queen Elizabeth II - Regional Definitives, type C]

[Queen Elizabeth II - Regional Definitives, type C]

Northern Ireland #6O

Wales and Monmouth shire #5O

Scotland #5O

[Queen Elizabeth II - Regional Definitives, type B]

[Queen Elizabeth II - Regional Definitives, type B]

[Queen Elizabeth II - Regional Definitives, type B]

Northern Ireland #3O

Wales and Monmouth shire #3P

Scotland #3P

The Wildings were definitive postage stamps featuring the Dorothy Wilding portrait of Queen Elizabeth II that were in use between 1952 and 1967 until replaced by the Machin series.

The stamps reproduced a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II by Dorothy Wilding, who had been working at the Royal Court since 1937.The four symbolic flowers of each country of the United Kingdom were also depicted, imitating one of the definitive stamp designs of King George VI's reign.

Their replacement was caused by stamp designers Michael Goaman and Faith Jacques. In a letter sent to the Post Office in April 1961, they expressed the difficulty of including the large Wilding portrait in their designs for commemorative stamps and the fact that the Queen was half turned to the viewer was also felt to be unsatisfactory. They proposed an image that would represent the monarchy more than the person of the queen. In 1963, comparing the Wilding portrait with Jacques' proposed design, the Stamp Advisory Committee acknowledged the need for a replacement, and in 1967, the stamps were replaced by the Machin head which featured an image of the Queen that was easier to include in commemorative stamp designs.


#BK189-- treasure of the archive pane MH368b

#BK 189--treasure of the archive  pane MH394a

Scott: #BK189-4O

Issued: 18.08.2009

Treasure of the Archive

2009 treasure pane 1936 red essay2009%20treasure%20pane%201936%20blue%20essay

BK189/pane MH368b (In margin): 2½p red and blue 1936 essays for the 1937 Coronation of King Edward VIII; in background of pane:  detail of King Edward VIII Crowned Head from a photograph of plaster cast by sculptor, Percy Metcalfe for the official coronation medal, which was also used for the vignette of the essays.

sievier 1839 essay

BK189/pane MH394a block of 8 stamps + center label: 4 20p [Sc #MH393] and 4 1st (39p) [Sc # MH394], design as the 150th Anniversary of the Penny Black in 1990 (Double Queen Heads), but with new syncopated/elliptical perfs; in center label:  vignette only of the embossed color One Penny imprinted letter sheet essay (see scan) submitted by Robert Sievier for the 1839 Treasury Competition for ideas for the proposed stamp and stationery to be issued in 1840. The full essay was reproduced in the 1990 booklet from the Marshall Islands (Sc #372,376a), In the background of the pane is a close up detail of Gt Britain #1.

2009 trerasure of the archive bklt cover

The booklet cover - shows a part sheet of Penny blacks from the British Postal Museum archives which is the source for the essays in the booklet.

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Scott: #2787P & #2792O


Scott: #2792aO (#2787 & #2792)

Issued: 06.05.2010

London 2010, King George V

#1296 Inside #2787: G.B. #1296/ #MH193P

Showing the Mackennal profile head of King George V behind that of Queen Elizabeth II.

 Inside #2792: G.B. #154P

#162 Inside #2792: G.B. #213P

#209 Inside #2792a (In margin): G.B. #209O

London 2010 Festival of Stamps prestige stamp book pane 1.

Scott: #????O

London 2010 Festival of Stamps prestige stamp book pane 4.

Scott: #????O


Scott: #2792a overprint "Business Design Centre, London 8-15 May 2010"

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert

Scott: #2792a overprint "Business Design Centre, London 8-15 May 2010"

And "National Stamp Day Philatex Extra 2010"

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert

Scott: #2791aO (#2788-91)

Issued: 08.05.2010

London 2010

 %23185 Inside #2788: G.B. #185O

#186 Inside #2789: G.B. #186P

#176 Inside #2790: G.B. #176O

#175 Inside #2791: G.B. #175O

London 2010 Festival of Stamps prestige stamp book pane 2.

Scott: #2791bO

London 2010 Festival of Stamps prestige stamp book pane 3.

Scott: #2789aO

Lou wrote: I sent my London 2010 ID corrections to Scott’s and they sent it on to their author who replied - see below for both.

I was right about the designer using #224 for the SOS models, but it was intentional and not an error. It seems this was known in GB, but no one bothered to mention it in the publicity releases that got to the public. I doubt that Scott’s will change the IDs from #175-6 in the catalog listing, but my IDs, less the designer error reference, are accurate.


Mr. Frankevicz:


Re Gt. Britain 2790-91, 2791a-b and BK193:  I question the identification of the reproduced stamps as Sc #175-6 as noted in the New Issues Update in the October Linn’s Special Edition and in Larry Rosenblum’s British Beat article in the November Linn’s Special Edition. 

I’m sure the designer intended them to be such, but they are not reproductions of #s 175-6.  

Sc # 175-76 have only horizontal lines engraved behind the bust of King George V, and the two SOS have both horizontal and diagonal lines.  According to the Scott catalog, these diagonal lines were added when the 2/6-10/- values were re-engraved in 1934 (the 10/- stamp is listed as Sc # 224).  The £1 stamp was never re-engraved, and so does not exist with the added lines. 

It would appear the designer, in error, used the less expensive #224 as his model for the 10/-, and then used the same artwork for the £1 by just changing the color and value tablet information.  On Sc #2790, should not the identification read “a non-existent version of Sc #176 (design error)” and on Sc #2791, should not the identification read “Sc #224, not Sc #175 (design error)”?

If you could, I would like you to send a copy of this email to Mr. Rosenblum. 



Lou Guadagno


Hello Mr. Guadagno,

Linn's forwarded your email to me. Your observations are correct, but there were no errors on the the part of the designers.

The same question was asked to Royal Mail in their publication, the British Philatelic Bulletin, of August 2010. The reply was written by Douglas Muir, Curator of Philately at the British Postal Museum and Archive. Mr. Muir was closely involved with the production of the reprints. Muir wrote:

"For the Seahorses, it was found that the re-engraved dies by J.A.C. Harrison in 1934 were very much better in terms of reproduction than the original £1 version of 1913. The re-engraved version had the cross-hatching behind the head, and this was used for both of the reproduced values, even though the £1 was not re-engraved as the other values had been. The whole [reprinted] Seahorse design is an amalgam from a number of sources."


Unfortunately, I did not have room in my article for this explanation, so I referred to numbers 175-6 in spite of the inaccuracy of that statement.

Incidentally, you may be interested to know that the reason that the Seahorses were re-engraved and reissued (as Sc #222-24) was so that they looked better in combination with the newly issued low values printed by photogravure (Sc #210-220).

Thank you very much for writing.


Larry Rosenblum


2nd Class Large – Wallace and Gromit carol singing1st Class Large – Gromit posting Christmas cards 


Scott: #2850O, #2851O, #2852P, #2853O, #2854O, #2855O, #2856O

Issued: 02.11.2010

Christmas with Wallace & Gromit

Inside #2851: G.B. #2851O

Inside #2853: G.B. #2851O

Lou wrote: The tiny stamp on the envelope is a reproduction of the main design - Gromit mailing cards of the 1st and 1st Large values, so technically, on the 1st value it is a “Self SOS” and on the 1st Large it is a reproduction of the 1st stamp, as the 1st Large value was issued to go on bigger envelopes.

 Scott: #????O

Scott: #2849O

Scott: #2855bO

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Scott: #2946O

Issued: 15.09.2011

The Age of the Hanoverians

%231%20LJ Inside #2946c: G.B. #1

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert, Mike Knopfler, Martin Hirschbühl and Lou Guadagno

The fifth in Royal Mail’s Kings and Queens series takes a look at the Hanoverian dynasty that reigned over the British Isles from the death of Queen Anne in 1714 to the death of Queen Victoria in 1901.

The Hanoverians ruled for nearly 200 years during a period of massive change. They came to power in difficult circumstances that looked set to undermine the stability of British society. George I was only 52nd in line to the throne, but the nearest Protestant according to the Act of Settlement. From a decidedly shaky start the Hanoverian period proved to be a remarkably stable one, not least because of the longevity of its kings and queen. From 1714 through to 1901, there were only six monarchs. It was also in this period that Britain came to acquire much of her overseas empire, despite the loss of the American colonies, largely through foreign conquest in the various wars of the century. By the end of the Hanoverian period, the British Empire covered a third of the globe.

The period was also one of political stability, and the development of constitutional monarchy. Britain's first 'Prime' Minister, Robert Walpole, dates from this period, and income tax was introduced. Towards the end of the Hanoverian period, the Great Reform Act was passed, which amongst other things widened the electorate.

It was during Victoria's reign, the longest in British history, that the modern idea of the constitutional monarch, whose role was to remain above political parties, began to evolve.

Issued: 15.09.2011

Penny Red Facsimilie Pack, 170th Anniversary of the Penny Red

The facsimile Penny Red stamps are printed intaglio in a block of four and are presented in an informative brochure.

File:PennyRed.jpeg Inside Unlisted: G.B. Penny Red

Thanks to Martin Hirschbühl

Scott: #2996O

Issued: 06.02.2012

Diamond Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II

 Inside #2996a: G.B. #306P

Thanks to Prof. Plinio Richelmi and Lou Guadagno

Featuring images taken from Britain’s stamps, banknotes and coins, the Miniature Sheet takes us from Dorothy Wilding’s lovely 1952 portrait, to a special Diamond Jubilee Machin printed with iridescent ink.All six stamps have been issued at First Class inland letter rate.

Acknowledgements Diamond Jubilee Wilding stamp – designed by Sedley Place, with photography by Dorothy Wilding and based on the 1952 design by Edmund Dulac;

banknote portraiture by Robert Austin – reproduced by permission; banknote portraiture by Harry Eccleston – reproduced by permission;

coinage portraiture by Mary Gillick – reproduced by courtesy of the Royal Mint Museum;coinage portraiture by Arnold Machin – reproduced by courtesy of the Royal Mint Museum;

Diamond Jubilee Machin stamp – designed by Jeffery Matthews MBE, FCSD, FRSA, from the bas-relief portrait by Arnold Machin OBE, RA. Background typography by Sedley Place.



#2996 Overprinted for Philatex and Stampex Stamp Shows

Thanks to Lloyd Gilbert

gt britain 3393  5 6 15

Scott: #3393O

Scott: #3393aP

The 175th Anniversary of the Penny Black 1st Stamp (2015) Twopenny Blue | Penny  black, Stamp, Stamp collecting

Scott: #3393bO

gt britain 3394-3395 self adhesive smilers sheet

Scott: #3394-5O

gt britain 3396a self adhesive bklt pane

Scott: #3396aO

Issued: 06.05.2015

175th Anniversary of The Penny Black

sos gt britain 1S-C  1840 Inside #3393, #3394, #3395, #3396a: G.B. #1 [S-C]

sos gt britain 2 Q-B  1840 Inside #3393, #3394, #3395,: G.B. #2 [Q-B]

gt britain unlisted limited sale europhilex ss

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Scott: #????O

Issued: 05.06.2017

50th Anniversary of The Machin Definitives

Inside #????:

1st Class January 1966: One of the many preliminary sketches by Arnold Machin based on the Penny Black
1st Class February 1966: Preparatory work by Machin using a photograph of his coin mould

1st Class April / May 1966: One of many essays with the ‘Coinage’ head surrounded by country symbols
1st Class October 1966: Essay of the Coinage head cropped and simplified, with only the denomination
1st Class August 1966: Photograph by John Hedgecoe with The Queen wearing the Diadem
1st Class October 1966: Essay of the first plaster cast of the ‘Diadem’ head, without corsage.
Background Image March 1966: Revised plaster cast of the ‘Coinage’ head, with The Queen wearing a tiara.

Machin Definitive Golden Anniversary miniature sheet 2017.

Scott: #????O

Issued: 05.06.2017

50th Anniversary of The Machin Definitives

Inside #????:

5p - A range of 12 low-value stamps, including 5p, was issued on ‘Decimalisation Day’, 15 February 1971.

 Few were sold on the day of issue because of a labour dispute which closed most post office branches.

  First day covers were delivered after the strike was over, in March.
20p - The double-head 20p stamp was issued as part of a range of five values on 10 January 1990 to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Penny Black.
1st Class* - On 19 October 1993, the first self-adhesive stamp issued by Royal Mail appeared in booklets of 20. The format was landscape.

 The trial was short-lived as it soon became apparent that postmarks of the time could be wiped from the stamps.

 Anyone trying to use the stamps from the booklet now will find that the stamps are very difficult to remove from the baking card.  
1st Class* - On 6 January 2000, a new setting of the Machin portrait on a white background was issued to mark the millennium.

 Differences can be seen between the stamps printed by the three different printers. 
1st Class*  - A change to the way postal charges were calculated, known as ‘Pricing in Proportion’, led to the release of new definitives on 1 August 2006. 

This included Large Letter stamps
1st Class* - On 3 January 2013, the colour of the 1st class Machin definitive was changed from gold to red with an iridescent security overprint.

 Philatelists soon found a whole new area of Machins to study as the text in the iridescent printing varied according to the source (sheets, booklets etc) and year of production.

 Note that this stamp is red, not deep scarlet.
£1 - This new £1 stamp is based on the high-value range of 1969 and is printed using gold foil.

[Stamp Classics, type ]

Scott: #????O

Issued: 15.01.2019

Stamp Classics

[Queen Victoria - New Colour, type AT2]  Inside #????: G.B. #124O

cid:9FF8BD0F-01E6-4132-B8D4-895D868FD0B0 Inside #????: G.B. Edward VII 2d Tyrian plum (never issued)

The two pence (2d) Tyrian plum was a postage and revenue stamp produced by Britain in 1910 as a replacement for the existing two colour 2d stamp of King Edward VII.

One hundred thousand sheets, totalling 24,000,000 stamps, were printed and delivered to the post office stores for distribution to postmasters. The circulation of the new stamps was delayed while existing stocks of the current stamp were used up so that the change would take effect at one time and the amount of surplus stock of the old value would be kept to a minimum. However following the death of Edward VII on 6 May 1910, it was decided not to issue the new stamp and almost all the stock was destroyed. Only a few examples survive in private hands, making this stamp one of the great rarities of British philately.

A single used on cover example is known, which was sent by the then Prince of Wales, later King George V, to himself. This example is in the Royal Philatelic Collection.

Additionally, a complete imperforate registration sheet of 240 stamps is in the British Postal Museum & Archive along with a perforated sheet of 139 stamps.

[King George V, type CC] Inside #????: G.B. #173P (#1296a)

[King Edward VIII, type CS4] Inside #????: G.B. #232P

 Inside #????: G.B. #252O

 Inside #????: G.B. #313P

gb 19 01


gb 19 03


gb 19 04


gb 19 02


gb 19 05

Scott: #3802gO

Issued: 13.02.2019

Stampex 2019

Stamp Classics with Stampex 2019 overprint and number (6000)

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

[The Stamp Designs of David Gentleman, type ]

Scott: #4202O

Issued: 18.02.2022

The Stamp Designs of David Gentleman

[National Productivity Year, type EY] Inside #4202a: G.B. #388P

[Tree Planting Year, type MZ] Inside #4202b: G.B. #688O

[The 900th Anniversary of the Battle of Hasting, type HP] Inside #4202c: G.B. #476P

[British Seamen and Shipbuilders, type JH] Inside #4202d: G.B. #576P

[Industrial and Social Reformers of the 19th Century, type PZ] Inside #4202e: G.B. #781P

[The 25th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain, type GB] Inside #4202f: G.B. #430P

Scott: #4202gO

Issued: 19.02.2022

G.B. #4202 reprinted with the addition of the exhibition logo for sale only at the London 2022 Stamp Exhibition

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Scott: #????O

Issued: 16.04.2024

100 Years of Commemorative Stamps



G.B. #185O

G.B. #209O

G.B. #229P

G.B. #267P

G.B. #253P

G.B. #265P

G.B. #375P

G.B. #315P (Paraguay)

G.B. #291P

G.B. #455P

G.B. #599P

G.B. #393P

G.B. #643P

G.B. #817O

G.B. #808P

G.B. #1135P

G.B. #1168P

G.B. #1214O

G.B. #1640O

G.B. #1839O

G.B. #1758O

G.B. #1964O

G.B. #2350O

G.B. #2400O

G.B. #3624O

G.B. #3136O

G.B. #3994O

G.B. #4194O

G.B. #4031O

G.B. #4391O


Scott: #????O

Lou wrote: Ten values in two se tenant strips of five 1st Class (undenominated, but £1.35) stamps on stamps showing commemorative stamps from 1924 thu 2023-- including a SoSoS.  

Collectors Sheet of ten self adhesive stamps which repeats the same designs with a post mark related to one of the SoS added.

Both are very good looking; the SoS are small, as the designs show three examples of commemoratives issued in a particular decade, in size scale to each other.

A small surprise to me was that there was no prestige booklet to honor the anniversary.

Martin Hirschbühl: Both are very good looking?  Well, tastes are different! 

At first glance (which might last) I don't like them, because every SoS shows 3 partially overlapping stamps in a random manner, that are not related to each other by any means.

This is the way, contemporary design works....simply put together, what does not fit together well.

Lou response: I wrote: " the designs show three examples of commemoratives issued in a particular decade, in size scale to each other"-- so they are not "random" examples. With all the many GB commemoratives issued over a hundred years , I think the designers had a tough job choosing which to show, and probably every collector who views the set would have chosen others. Taken as a whole, the SoS illustrate the evolution of commemorative stamp designs over that long period.

I personally like "white space" in a stamp design layout, and for that reason, I think these are better looking, artistically, than the similar chronology of the IOM 50th Anniversary issue. 

Michael Merritt added: Some…not all…are classics. I am glad for the SoSoS, and that this issue seems intended to carry mail, not Hoover my wallet.

And me – I'm just happy that I have half of the stamps reproduced…..

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Scott: #????O

Issued: 16.05.2024

The 20th Anniversary of the Peppa the Pig Television Show

  Inside #????: G.B. #????O

Thanks to Lou Guadagno

Best website related:

Royal Mail

Great Britain Victorian Stamps

The Great Britain Machins

Peter’s Stamps


Wish List

G.B. #2 for Anguilla, for Central Africa, Cuba, Hungary, Dominica 

Redonda, St. Helena, Transnistria, Montserrat, Ascension, Barbuda   

sos gt britain 3  1841

G.B. #3 for Antigua & Barbuda, Central Africa, Norfolk Island, Seychelles



G.B. #4 for Dominica, St. Kitts-Nevis, Guinea


G.B. #5 for G.B., Cuba


G.B. #6 for Sierra Leone


G.B. #9 for Ascension 

#13 1855 perf 14

G.B. #13 for Gibraltar


G.B. #16 for Belize


G.B. #20 for Montserrat, Guyana  


G.B. #22 for G.B., Cuba, Mauritius


G.B. #26 for Guyana, St. Vincent Grenadines, Jamaica 


G.B. #27 for Gibraltar, Montserrat, Bahamas, Guyana   


G.B. #28 for Gibraltar, Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago 

sos gt britain 33a  1864

G.B. #33a for Central Africa


G.B. #62 for Seychelles


G.B. #64 for Seychelles


G.B. #65 for Nicaragua


G.B. #75 for Ivory Coast 

G.B. #93 for Anguilla


G.B. #110 for Chad

[Queen Victoria - New Colour, type AT2]

G.B. #124O


G.B. #142 for Haiti 


G.B. #151 for Isle of Man

G.B. #254

Guernsey Regional Stamps

G.B. #269 for Guernsey

G.B. #270 for Guernsey

ss 1 v margin detail 1-- sos gt britain 668  1972

G.B. #668 for Sierra Leone

[Tree Planting Year, type MZ]

G.B. #688

G.B. #817

G.B. #1214

ss1v margin--sos gt britain 1223 1988

G.B. #1223 for Uganda

Marshall Islands_image281

Marshall Islands_image285

G.B. #MH 266

G.B. #MH 397

for Marshal IS.

sos gt britain 1478 1993

G.B. #1478 for Hong Kong

G.B. #1640

G.B. #1758

Scott: #1801-3

G.B. #1964

Scott: #2022-3

G.B. #2301a for Malawi

Scott: #2350

Scott: #2400

#2503 2007

Scott: #2503 for Guinea


G.B. #2707 for Guinea

2nd Class Large – Wallace and Gromit carol singing1st Class Large – Gromit posting Christmas cards 


G.B. #2850-6

G.B. #2883 for Guinea Bissau

ss1v--sos gt britain 28852011

G.B. #2885 for Togo, Guinea, Liberia

stp block 3--sos gt britain 2890  2011

G.B. #2890 for St. Thomas & Prince

G.B. #2892 for Guinea Bissau

gt britain 2901  ss 2011

G.B. 2901 for Mozambique

G.B. #3136

G.B. #3218a for Sierra Leone

G.B. #3218b for Sierra Leone

G.B. #3227 for Sierra Leone

ss 1 v margin detail 1-- sos gt britain 3231  2013

G.B. #3231 for Sierra Leone

ss 1 v margin detail-- sos gt britain 2362  2006

G.B. #3362 for Sierra Leone

ss 1 v margin detail 1-- sos great britain 3415d--from ss  2015

G.B. #3415 for Sierra Leone

G.B. #3624

G.B. #3994

G.B. #4031

G.B. #4194

G.B. #4391

[The Stamp Designs of David Gentleman, type ]

Scott: #???? 2022

G.B. #???? (2024)

G.B. #???? (2024)

G.B. #???? (2024)




G.B. #O1 for Uganda

G.B. #U1 (Mulready envelope) for Montserrat, Ireland  

G.B. #U2 (Mulready envelope) for Montserrat 



G.B. Morocco Agencies

[Great Britain Postage Stamps Overprinted

G.B. Morocco Agencies #35 for Gibraltar




Alderney 1993 for Sierra Leone

Alderney 1993 for Sierra Leone